
Monday 23 December 2013

The Impact of Technology on the Developing Child by Cris Rowan (Pediatric Occupational Therapist)

Reminiscing about the good old days when we were growing up is a memory trip well worth taking when trying to understand the issues facing the children of today. A mere 20 years ago, children used to play outside all day, riding bikes, playing sports and building forts. Masters of imaginary games, children of the past created their own form of play that didn't require costly equipment or parental supervision. Children of the past moved... a lot, and their sensory world was nature based and simple. In the past, family time was often spent doing chores, and children had expectations to meet on a daily basis. The dining room table was a central place where families came together to eat and talk about their day, and after dinner became the center for baking, crafts and homework.
Today's families are different. Technology's impact on the 21st century family is fracturing its very foundation, and causing a disintegration of core values that long ago were the fabric that held families together. Juggling school, work, home, and community lives, parents now rely heavily on communication, information, and transportation technology to make their lives faster and more efficient. Entertainment technology (TV, Internet, video games, iPads, cell phones) has advanced so rapidly, that families have scarcely noticed the significant impact and changes to their family structure and lifestyles. A 2010 Kaiser Foundation study showed that elementary aged children use on average 7.5 hours per day of entertainment technology, 75 percent of these children have TV's in their bedrooms, and 50 percent of North American homes have the TV on all day. Gone is dining room table conversation, replaced by the "big screen" and take out.
Children now rely on technology for the majority of their play, grossly limiting challenges to their creativity and imaginations, as well as limiting necessary challenges to their bodies to achieve optimal sensory and motor development. Sedentary bodies bombarded with chaotic sensory stimulation are resulting in delays in attaining child developmental milestones, with subsequent negative impact on basic foundation skills for achieving literacy. Hard-wired for high speed, today's young are entering school struggling with self regulation and attention skills necessary for learning, eventually becoming significant behavior management problems for teachers in the classroom.
So what is the impact of technology on the developing child? Children's developing sensory, motor, and attachment systems have biologically not evolved to accommodate this sedentary, yet frenzied and chaotic nature of today's technology. The impact of rapidly advancing technology on the developing child has seen an increase of physical, psychological and behavior disorders that the health and education systems are just beginning to detect, much less understand. Child obesity and diabetes are now national epidemics in both Canada and the U.S., causally related to technology overuse. Diagnoses of ADHD, autism, coordination disorder, developmental delays, unintelligible speech, learning difficulties, sensory processing disorder, anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders are associated with technology overuse, and are increasing at an alarming rate. An urgent closer look at the critical factors for meeting developmental milestones, and the subsequent impact of technology on those factors, would assist parents, teachers and health professionals to better understand the complexities of this issue, and help create effective strategies to reduce technology use.
Four critical factors necessary to achieve healthy child development are movement, touch, human connection, and exposure to nature. These types of sensory inputs ensure normal development of posture, bilateral coordination, optimal arousal states and self-regulation necessary for achieving foundation skills for eventual school entry. Young children require 2-3 hours per day of active rough and tumble play to achieve adequate sensory stimulation to their vestibular, proprioceptive and tactile systems. Tactile stimulation received through touching, hugging and play is critical for the development of praxis, or planned movement patterns. Touch also activates the parasympathetic system lowering cortisol, adrenalin and anxiety. Nature and "green space" has not only a calming influence on children, but also is attention restorative and promotes learning.

Further analysis of the impact of technology on the developing child indicates that while the vestibular, proprioceptive, tactile and attachment systems are under stimulated, the visual and auditory sensory systems are in "overload." This sensory imbalance creates huge problems in overall neurological development, as the brain's anatomy, chemistry and pathways become permanently altered and impaired. Young children who are exposed to violence through TV and video games are in a high state of adrenalin and stress, as the body does not know that what they are watching is not real. Children who overuse technology report persistent body sensations of overall "shaking", increased breathing and heart rate, and a general state of "unease." This can best be described as a persistent hypervigalent sensory system, still "on alert" for the oncoming assault. While the long term effects of this chronic state of stress in the developing child are unknown, we do know that chronic stress in adults results in a weakened immune system and a variety of serious diseases and disorders.

It's important to come together as parents, teachers and therapists to help society "wake up" and see the devastating effects technology is having not only on our child's physical, psychological and behavioral health, but also on their ability to learn and sustain personal and family relationships. While technology is a train that will continually move forward, knowledge regarding its detrimental effects, and action taken toward balancing the use of technology with critical factors for development, will work toward sustaining our children. While no one can argue the benefits of advanced technology in today's world, connection to these devices may have resulted in a disconnection from what society should value most, children. Rather than hugging, playing, rough housing, and conversing with children, parents are increasingly resorting to providing their children with more TV, video games, and the latest iPads and cell phone devices, creating a deep and irreversible chasm between parent and child.

Monday 16 December 2013

Parenting Boys: What Boys Need From Moms

Raising Boys

"Little boys leave smudges on your heart" ~ Art Moms

Moms of Boys

Most moms would do anything to enhance their child’s quality of life. Even with this great level of devotion, many moms of boys admit raising boys is both a joy and a challenge. As a mom of three boys, I have learned - boys love to make messes, run, climb, swing, make loud noises, tease siblings, laugh, and challenge rules. But what do boys really need from moms? Research is now proving, what most of us already know, that boys need moms in order to grow into healthy, well-adjusted men.
According to William Pollack, Ph.D., “Far from making boys weaker, the love of a mother can and does actually make boys stronger, emotionally, and psychologically. Far from making boys dependent, the base of safety a loving mother can create...provides a boy with the courage to explore the outside world. But most important, far from making a boy act in ‘girl-like’ ways, a loving mother actually plays an integral role in helping a boy develop his masculinity.”

New brain imaging research shows how important it is that moms of boys regularly hug, hold, and nurture their boys. This research has found that the amount of nurturing a child receives from his or her mother early in life may lead to a larger hippocampus (the area of the brain responsible for handling stress and building memory). Dr. Joan Luby, lead researcher of this study and psychiatrist at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis said, “We can now say with confidence that the psychosocial environment has a material impact on the way the human brain develops.”
Moms of boys teach their sons the first lessons they learn about love, support, comfort, and trust. The bond boys have with their mothers can help them to be more successful in many different areas of life.

Quotes About Boys You Might Like

"Little boys don’t take baths, they just dust off." ~Art Moms
“What a [boy] thinks of himself, that is which determines, or rather, indicates, his fate.” Henry David Thoreau
“If a [boy] does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music that he hears, however measured or far away.” Henry David Thoreau
“The quickest way for a parent to get a child’s attention is to sit down and look comfortable” Lane Olinghouse
"Boys are God’s way of telling you your house is too clean." Art Moms
“Men are what their mothers made them” Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Of all the animals the boys is the most unmanageable" Plato
“One of the best things in the world to be is a boy; it requires no experience, but needs some practice to be a good one” Charles Dudley Warner
These quotes can be found at Quotes About,BrainyQuote. and Art Moms

Parenting Books You Might Like

Raising Boys: 17 Things a Boy Needs from a Mom

Research studies, books, and interviews by child-parent attachment experts, Maccoby and Martin, psychiatrist Dr. Joan Luby, author Dr. William Pollack, leading neuropsychology researcher Dr. Allan Schore, author/therapist Michael Gurian, and author/therapist Dr. Townsend, describe important things a boy needs from his mom in the following ways:
1. Help him empathize with othersEllen Galinsky, President and Co-Founder of Families and Work Institute (FWI), says that children who can engage in perspective taking, or seeing “eye to eye” in relationships, not only appreciate their own experiences but the experiences of others. The researchers say that it is important that a boy has a mom who will help him understand how others feel. Meaning that when a 2-year old boy runs up to his brother and hits him on the back he needs his mom to help him see how his behavior impacted his brother
2. Offer refuge. A boy needs his mom to offer him a place of safe refuge. Margaret Malher’s theory of separation-individuation, describes rapproachment (occurring between 15-24 months of age) as a period of time when boys start to move away from their mothers. In this stage of life, a toddler begins to explore his surroundings, away from his mother or primary caregiver. During this time, a boy is filled with conflicting feeling because he wants to explore this exciting new world but he also wants to know that he can safely return to his mother when he needs to be comforted. Psychologists Erich Fromm described the perplexity of this relationship as, “The mother-child relationship is paradoxical and, in a sense, tragic. It requires the most intense love on the mother’s side, yet this very love must help the child grow away from the mother, and to become fully independent.”
3. Know when to let go. A boy needs a mom who understands her role as his mother will change as he grows and matures. It is important for a mom to give her son more independence based on their growing needs. At 18 months, when a son starts to move away from his mom to identify more with his father or other men, he needs a mom who is patient and understanding. Throughout a son’s life, he will experience times where he grows closer to his mother and times when he tends to push her away. Dr. Townsend, psychologist and family counselor, says some moms interpret their son's backing away from them as abandonment and have difficulty letting him go. He says that it is especially important to a boy that his mother does not see this normal desire to move away from her as rejecting.
4. Show affection. Boys need moms who hug, cuddle, hold, and touch them. Research demonstrates that when a baby boy reaches 6 months of age, mothers talk to and touch their boys less often than they talk to and touch their girls. According to Dr. Allan Schore, professor in the department of psychiatry and biobehavioral sciences at UCLA School of Medicine, oxytocin, a bonding hormone, increases during between mother and child nurturing interactions. As oxytocin levels increase, cortisol (stress hormone) levels decrease. Additionally, stress hormones decrease in boys when their mothers hug, rock, and comfort them. Dr. Greg Smalley, president of the Smalley Relationship Center, says “A mother’s gentle nature helps a boy become more rounded and balanced. A mom encourages the softer side of love.”
5. Recognize gender differences in brain development. Technologies like, PET and MRI scans have allowed scientist to look at how children's brains function during learning. The results have consistently found instructional and functional differences between the way boys and girls learn. The male brain, according to neurologists, needs time to “renew, recharge, and reorient itself between tasks by moving to what Dr. Ruben Gur has called a ‘rest state." Because of this, it is important that a mom of a boy appreciates the uniqueness of the male brain and how their brains need time to “recharge.” A mom can do this by encouraging her son to get outside, listen to music, read, exercise, draw, or just take a time out.
6. Understand his need for movement. A boy brain's responds to “spatial-mechanical play,” meaning he learns better when he can move objects through space or has large areas to explore. This might be why you see little boys pretending their hands are airplanes flying through the air or little boys having a difficult time staying still during reading time. When my first born son was 2-years-old, I remember taking him to story time at the local library and feeling surprised when I saw him run around the room as the librarian read the books. I looked around and observed all the little girls, and one boy, sitting quietly listening to the stories. I was relieved when I came across the parenting book, “The Mind of Boysand read how my little boy's response to story time was typical of most boys. Now as a mother of 3 boys, I expect my boys to move around, fidget, and jump up and down when I read them book because their brains are wired to learn through movement.

More Tips on Raising Sons

7. Teach him about emotions. It is very helpful for a mom of a boy to encourage her son to use all of his emotions. Society gives a clear message to boys that they should not cry or feel scared. Teaching boys that they have to be tough by cutting off all emotions except anger, teaches them to repress their true feelings. It is the repressing of emotions that contributes to boys acting out. A boy needs his mom to help him learn to recognize, respond to, and express a range of emotions by showing him how to recognize and read verbal and nonverbal communication signals.
8. Limit screen timeDr. Dimitri Christakis, at Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center in Seattle, has found that watching scenes moving on a flat screen can negatively impact the learning brain. He discovered that “for every hour of television watched per day, the incidence of ADD and ADHD increased by 10 percent.” Dr. Daniel Amen, CEO at the Amen Clinics, discovered that passive stimulants like computers and TV perform the attention work for brain, resulting in a “hyperstimulated” and “physically passive” brain. According to Dr. Amen, the TV or computer does half of the work for the child’s brain, resulting in an underdeveloped brain. New York Times bestselling author, Michael Gurian, describes how screen time is especially worse for boys because it reduces a boy's level of activity; thus, reducing the number of opportunities for brain growth that occurs with movement. When a mom limits a boy's screen time and encourages him to play outside in nature she helps support her son's brain growth and development.
9. Help him with transitions and communication. According to Micheal Gurian, boys hear better out of their right ear. He says a mom can help improve listening skills in their sons by whispering a phrase into their right ear and asking them to repeat the phrase. In addition, the in the book "The Mind of Boys," Gurian said many boys are expected to engage in eye contact that they feel uncomfortable maintaining experience a release of cortisol in the brain. Circulating cortisol throughout the brain makes it more difficult for the child to concentrate or complete the task. In addition, many boys need longer time to transition between tasks, than girls. This means a son may need his mom to help him prepare for transitions between activities.
10. Engage in active play. Charades, monopoly, art, sports, cooking, roughhousing, digging for worms, climbing, swinging, exploring, or collecting rocks are some of the many activities sons enjoy sharing with their mothers. Society rarely questions close relationships between mothers and daughters; however, close relationships between mothers and sons are often characterized as beinginappropriate. But when a mom steps out of her comfort zone to connect with her son she is teaching him the importance of building intimacy and connection with others.
11. Teach socialization. Child development researchers Maccoby and Martin (1983), have discovered that nurturing behaviors by parents are key factors that support the development of children’s social competence. Boys, on average, have lower serotonin and oxytocin levels than girls. Although boys are impacted by men and women, mothers still remain the primary socialization role-models of the majority of young boys.
12. Consistently sets limits. An analysis of 69 research studies, with approximately 6,000 children, found a correlation between attachment style in the first years of life and school-age behavior problems in boys. In this study, boys who had an insecure relationship with their parents engaged in more acting out behaviors. According to Dr. Townsend, author of the parenting book “Boundaries with Kids”, it is important for boys to see their mother’s strength. He said this is important because, “Sometimes a mother is afraid to show her power because she doesn’t want to hurt her son’s feelings or wound his self-esteem. A mother shouldn’t be cruel, but a strict and loving mother will produce a boy who is not mean and self-centered.” Mothers of boys who are strong and loving refuse to allow their sons to treat others with disrespect.
13. Demonstrate self-control. A boy needs a mom who can teach him how to control his impulses. Teaching boys different strategies for remembering tasks, listening to others, and controlling their urges and impulses helps a boy developself-control.

14. Recognize his uniqueness. A boy needs a mom like Pauline Einstein, Albert Einstein’s mother, who recognized her son's unique qualities. When Albert was young it was reported that his teacher told Pauline that Albert was “mentally slow, unsociable, and adrift in his foolish dreams”. Albert's teacher did not recognize his unique talents; although, his mother did. A generation of strong men begins with moms who believe in the unique abilities of their sons.
15. Teach foresight. Because many young boys live in the moment they have a hard time thinking ahead. Moms can teach their sons to play games like Chess, which help boys learn to anticipate the opponent’s next move and problem solve their way out of complex situations. In addition, moms of younger boys can help their sons learn to think ahead by creating rhymes, songs, or visual lists.
16. Create responsibility. According to Dr. Townsend, family psychologist, “Moms need to encourage their sons to take initiative, to have responsibility”. Because most boys will not assume more responsibility at home, without a nudge from their mothers, it is important that a mom teaches her son how to be a responsible member of the family. Boys need to learn how to clean and organize their rooms, manage their school work, and take responsibility for their own poor choices. Research has confirmed that boys given household duties have an increased level of self-esteem and competence.
17. Enjoy his boyness. Michael Gurian, wrote another book called “The Wonder of Boys" and in an interview with Newsweek magazine (1998) he said, “If Huck Finn or Tom Sawyer were alive today we would say they had ADD or a conduct disorder. They [boys] are who they are, and we need to love them for who they are. Let’s not try to rewire them.” A mom, who respects her son's energy level, creativity, sensitivity, unique learning style, need for movement, and special sense of wonder, teaches her son to enjoy being a boy.
For a mom, raising boys is both a challenge and an opportunity to obtain a special glimpse of the world from a boy's point of view.


This article is written by Kelley Ward, Ph.D., RN, C and is copyright protected. No part of this article can be used without permission from the author.

About the Author

Kelley Ward, PhD, RN, C is a freelance online author and writer for Elsevier Medical Publishing. She has been a registered nurse for over 16 years and holds a doctorate degree in child development and family relations. She writes about parenting, health, living with diabetes, and gluten-free living. For more articles or information about the author Kelley Ward, PhD, RN, C please visit here.

Thursday 7 November 2013


Oleh Norizan Abdul Muhid/

Kementerian Pendidikan dalam usaha mentransformasikan pendidikan negara meletakkan matlamat melengkapkan setiap murid di negara ini dengan semua kemahiran baharu mengikut keperluan mereka sekali gus menangani cabaran abad ke-21.

Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia (PPPM) 2013-2025 yang diperkenalkan juga turut menggariskan strategi untuk menggerakkan transformasi ini meliputi semua peringkat persekolahan termasuk prasekolah.

Timbalan Menteri Pendidikan, Datuk Mary Yap Kain Ching berkata, berdasarkan PPPM, kementerian akan memastikan semua kanak-kanak yang memasuki alam persekolahan berpeluang mengikuti pendidikan awal tanpa mengira status sosioekonomi mereka.

"Kementerian sentiasa berusaha meluaskan akses pendidikan yang berkualiti dan berkemampuan termasuk pendidikan prasekolah dan matlamat itu terkandung pada teras sub Bidang Keberhasilan Utama Negara (NKRA) pendidikan untuk prasekolah.

"Melalui usaha itu, guru prasekolah yang terlibat akan bersaing dan berkongsi idea serta kreativiti mereka untuk melaksanakan pengajaran menggunakan pendekatan pembelajaran berasaskan projek yang selari dengan Kurikulum Standard Prasekolah Kebangsaan," katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian dalam Konvensyen Amalan Terbaik pengajaran dan Pembelajaran (PdP) Prasekolah Kebangsaan 2013 di Subang Jaya, Selangor baru-baru ini.

Konvensyen yang bertemakan Memacu Pendidikan Prasekolah melalui Amalan Terbaik dengan fokus menggunakan Pendekatan Pembelajaran Berasaskan Projek, merupakan satu usaha kementerian meningkatkan kualiti pendidikan prasekolah melalui PdP yang menarik minat murid, kreatif, inovatif dan berkesan.

Melalui penganjuran konvensyen itu, memberi peluang kepada guru bersaing dan mengemukakan satu contoh PdP yang mantap dengan menggunakan pelbagai strategi dan teknik, bersesuaian dengan kehendak Kurikulum Standard Prasekolah Kebangsaan.

Konvensyen juga bertujuan menghasilkan model PdP menggunakan Pendekatan Pembelajaran Berasaskan Projek sebagaimana yang terkandung dalam Kurikulum Standard Prasekolah Kebangsaan sebagai rujukan dan panduan guru prasekolah.

Selain itu, konvensyen berkenaan menjadi platform kepada pihak yang terlibat untuk menyediakan model PdP yang boleh dijadikan penanda aras dalam usaha meningkatkan kecemerlangan guru.

Di samping itu, konvensyen turut memberi idea kepada guru prasekolah untuk merancang pelbagai strategi PdP agar lebih menarik dan menyeronokkan serta mewujudkan persekitaran pembelajaran yang positif.

Definisi Amalan Terbaik dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran bermaksud penghasilan PdP yang selari dengan kehendak kurikulum, kreatif, menarik dan berkesan yang menghasilkan perubahan yang positif di kalangan murid.

Peserta konvensyen sebanyak 54 orang terdiri daripada guru-guru prasekolah kementerian dari seluruh negara.

Mereka membentangkan kertas kerja dan PdP dengan fokus pendekatan pembelajaran berasaskan projek.

Penyertaan peserta dibahagikan kepada empat kategori iaitu bahasa Malaysia, bahasa Inggeris, bahasa Mandarin dan bahasa Tamil.

Setiap peserta mengikut kategori dikehendaki terlibat melaksanakan projek di prasekolah masing-masing dengan minimum pelaksanaan projek dihadkan selama tiga minggu, selari dengan kehendak Kurikulum Standard Prasekolah Kebangsaan.

Berdasarkan projek yang dilaksanakan, peserta dikehendaki menyediakan kertas kerja, membuat pembentangan kertas kerja (dalam masa 15 minit) dengan mempersembahkan PdP yang turut disertai oleh lapan murid.

Aktiviti lain yang dilaksanakan sepanjang konvensyen termasuklah bengkel guru, pembentangan video amalan terbaik PdP dan pameran artifak atau produk.

Artikel Penuh:
© Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd 

Thursday 3 October 2013


Unit Praktikum, FPPM telah menganjurkan sebuah Bengkel Simulasi Latihan Mengajar bagi 58 orang pelajar semeter enam bagi program Diploma Pendidikan Pra Sekolah pada 28 September 2013 bersamaan Sabtu yang lalu. Bengkel ini telah diadakan di Bilik Kuliah 1, 2, 3, 10 dan 12 pada jam 9 pagi sehingga 5:30 petang. 

Bengkel dianjurkan untuk mencapai beberapa objektif iaitu:-

1. Mendedahkan pelajar kepada penulisan ilmiah yang betul dalam penyediaan laporan praktikal.

2. mensiap-siagakan pelajar dengan latihan praktikal menjelang Januari 2014.

3. Memantau dan menilai simulasi latihan mengajar bagi setiap pelajar yang terlibat berdasarkan Rancangan  Mengajar (KSPK).

Bengkel ini telah dikelolakan oleh lima pensyarah wanita DPS yang juga bertindak sebagai fasilitator iaitu:

1.       Cik Noor Hanim Harun (Koordinator Praktikum) selaku ketua fasilitator
2.       Cik Syazwani Abd Jalani
3.       Cik Nur Akmar Binti Mohd Arif
4.       Cik Nurul Hidayah Bte Sahrom
5.    Puan Siti Nurul Nazuwah Bte Ahmad Hassan

Berikut adalah beberapa kepingan gambar ketika bengkel simulasi sedang berlangsung:-

Disediakan oleh,

Nur Akmar Binti Mohd Arif
Unit Praktikum, FPPM
Fakulti Pendidikan dan Pembangunan Manusia, Kolej UNITI, Port Dickson.

Tuesday 24 September 2013


Tahukah kalian bahawa jumlah penduduk lelaki masih lagi mendahului penduduk wanita di Malaysia? Menurut statistik bancian penduduk Malaysia 2010, 51.5 peratus adalah penduduk lelaki berbanding 48.5 peratus penduduk wanita. Penduduk lelaki dijangka berterusan mendahului penduduk perempuan hingga tahun 2040 dengan sedikit penurunan peratus kepada 50.8.

Persoalannya, sejauhmana para lelaki ini dibina potensi diri mereka seperti yang dimaksudkan didalam Al-Qur’an dimana Allah berfirman maksudnya, “kaum lelaki itu adalah pemimpin bagi kaum wanita, oleh kerana Allah telah melebihkan sebahagian mereka (lelaki) atas sebahagian yang lain (wanita), dan kerana mereka (lelaki) telah menafkahkan sebahagian dari harta mereka. Sebab itu, maka wanita yang soleh ialah yang taat kepada Allah lagi memelihara diri ketika suaminya tidak ada, kerana Allah telah memelihara mereka. (Surah An-Nisa’: ayat 34).

Fitrah lelaki adalah melindungi wanita.

Justeru, kita perlu memandang serius kepada gejala keciciran lelaki dalam pendidikan dengan mengenal pasti dan membina potensi secara tepat dan efektif bersesuaian dengan fitrah sebenar mereka sebagai ‘pemimpin’. Ini ternyata benar apabila merujuk kepada kalamullah tentang perbezaan cara pendidikan kanak-kanak lelaki dan perempuan yang bermaksud “maka tatkala isteri ‘Imran melahirkan anaknya, dia pun berkata, “ya Tuhanku, sesungguhnya aku melahirkan seorang anak perempuan; dan Allah lebih mengetahui apa yang dilahirkannya itu; dan anak lelaki tidaklah seperti anak perempuan…” (Surah Al-‘Imran: ayat 36).

Menurut Michael Gurian bersama Kathy Stevens (2011) dalam buku berjudul ‘Boys and girls learn differently: a guide for teachers and parents’, kanak-kanak lelaki perlu dibantu menjadi lelaki sebenar apabila dewasa dengan membantu mereka mencari anugerah semulajadi dan memanfaatkan anugerah berharga tersebut kepada masyarakat. Ia merupakan usaha murni bagi membantu memperkasa potensi ‘heroic’ lelaki seawal mereka kanak-kanak untuk tujuan yang lebih besar iaitu menjadi pemimpin kepada masyarakat dalam semua lapangan.

Pendedahan Tujuan

Untuk itu, kanak-kanak lelaki perlu diberikan pendedahan tentang tujuan mereka dicipta sebagai lelaki yang digariskan dalam Al-Qur’an iaitu sebagai pemimpin. Kesan daripada kehilangan tujuan dalam diri mereka akan menyebabkan tahap kematangan yang lambat, keciciran dalam pelajaran, tidak dapat membina perasaan yang jelas tentang kepentingan peranan mereka dalam pendidikan dan sosial, serta terlibat dalam keganasan.

Keterlibatan lelaki dalam aktiviti-aktiviti keganasan adalah manifestasi sifat kelakian mereka yang sukakan kepada aktiviti lasak, agresif,‘thrill’ dan mendominasi tetapi ia tersasar jauh daripada yang sepatutnya iaitu menjaga keluarga dan survival masyarakat daripada ancaman bahaya. Ini terjadi apabila mereka hilang tujuan kenapa mereka dijadikan sebagai lelaki di dunia ini.

Oleh itu, bagaimana mahu membangunkan kanak-kanak lelaki yang ada tujuan?  Menurut Gurian (2011), ibubapa dan guru perlu memandu biologi kanak-kanak lelaki untuk mengetahui dan memahami tujuan kejadian mereka, membantu mereka membina empati, dan mengurus kekuasaan secara sihat atau istilah lainnya ‘aggression nurturance’. Sebagai contoh, kanak-kanak lelaki sering terlibat dengan pergelutan fizikal untuk menunjukkan kekuasaan dan kekuatan fizikal.

Kanak-kanak lelaki perlu dididik supaya menguruskan kekuasaan tersebut secara sihat seperti mengadakan pertandingan yang boleh menguji sifat ‘heroic’ mereka sebagai lelaki. Bagi yang kalah dalam pertandingan, ia juga sebenarnya boleh membantu kanak-kanak lelaki untuk membina kekentalan jiwa, kekuatan fizikal, mental dan emosi yang akan menjadi asas kepada masa depan yang berjaya, kecemerlangan prestasi, tujuan dan keterlibatan dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat.   

Kanak-kanak lelaki belajar sambil bermain.

Kesimpulannya, kajian menunjukkan kanak-kanak lelaki banyak belajar melalui bermain. Pembelajaran melalui aktiviti bermain akan menjadi pengalaman kepada mereka dalam membangunkan sifat-sifat kepimpinan, menjadikan mereka lebih empati dan mempunyai tujuan dalam hidup. Oleh itu, ibu bapa dan institusi pendidikan khususnya perlu celik tentang keperluan kanak-kanak dan pelajar lelaki supaya potensi ‘heroic’ dalam diri mereka dapat dibangunkan untuk manfaat agama, masyarakat dan negara dan isu keciciran pelajar lelaki dalam pelajaran dapat diatasi.

Disediakan oleh,

Ketua Jabatan Pengajian Umum,
Fakulti Pendidikan dan Pembangunan Manusia, Kolej UNITI, Port Dickson.

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Perbezaan Kanak-kanak Lelaki dan Perempuan: Fizikal, Sosio-Emosi dan Kognitif

Do you know boys and girls have huge differences in many aspects? Lets explore  some of them as below:-

Tuesday 10 September 2013


Adik 1: “Kakak...mana ayah saya? Bila ayah nak ambil kiteorang?” Tanya si abang kepada pengasuhnya.
Kakak: “Sabar dik, ayah kamu kerja. Malam nanti ayah kamu ambil kamu ya,” pujuk si pengasuh.
Adik 2: “Asyik-asyik kerja...kerja...kerja..kerja..” rungut adik perempuannya pula.
Aku melihat kedua beradik yang masing-masing berumur 3 dan 4 tahun itu. Mereka menarik muncung membuat mimik muka masam kerana ayah yang ditunggu tidak juga sampai walaupun sudah lewat petang. Kasihan sebenarnya melihat mereka berdua di saat itu. Mana tidaknya hujung minggu sepatutnya mereka bersama-sama ibubapa, tetapi sebaliknya dihantar ke nurseri dari pagi sampai ke malam lantaran komitmen kerjaya yang menghambat kedua ibubapa adik-adik tersebut.
Tapi, apakan daya. Kekadang ibubapa tiada pilihan kerana sudah fikrah kerjaya yang mereka ceburi terpaksa mengorbankan waktu bersama anak-anaknya. Disinilah dilema berlaku. Antara komitmen kerja untuk menampung kehidupan diri dan anak-anak di bandar besar dan keperluan kasih-sayang dan perhatian dambaan anak-anak.
Pusat Asuhan Kanak-kanak.
Situasi diatas sudah cukup menggambarkan kepada kita dilemma ibubapa bekerjaya dan keperluan anak-anak kepada perhatian dan kasih-sayang. Disebabkan dewasa ini, ramai ibu memilih untuk keluar bekerja bagi meningkatkan taraf ekonomi keluarga dan membantu meringankan beban suami bagi keperluan dan keselesaan bersama, maka sebagai alternatif bagi mengisi kelompongan penjagaan dan asuhan anak-anak mereka ,pusat asuhan dibangunkan dengan banyaknya ibarat cendawan tumbuh selepas hujan.
Pihak pusat asuhan mengambil alih peranan untuk mengasuh dan mendidik anak-anak yang dihantar oleh ibu bapa seawal jam 7 pagi hingga lewat malam. Di sesetengah tempat, ada taska mengamalkan system syif terutama di kawasan perindustrian. Ada anak-anak dihantar ke nurseri dari malam hingga ke pagi kerana ibubapa yang bekerja pada syif malam.
Taman Asuhan Kanak-kanak (TASKA) menawarkan khidmat menjaga dan memberikan pendidikan awal kepada kanak-kanak yang berumur di bawah 5 tahun-iaitu sebelum mereka melangkah ke alam pra-sekolah (tadika) bagi ibubapa yang bekerjaya. TASKA menjadi alternatif kepada ibubapa yang tidak mahu menggaji pengasuh di rumah kerana mahukan anak-anak mereka diasuh secara professional yang disediakan oleh pusat asuhan. Menyedari betapa pentingnya pendidikan awal kanak-kanak di bawah 5 tahun, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, isteri kepada YAB Perdana Menteri giat mengerakkan program PERMATA agar kanak-kanak ini membangun sepenuhnya dan mencapai potensi yang maksimum.
Menurut sebuah laporan, sebanyak 13 peratus ibubapa menghantar anak mereka ke pusat asuhan/ nurseri. Dalam sebuah laporan yang lain, berdasarkan tinjauan Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara 2006, hanya 10.6 peratus sahaja yang menggunakan khidmat pusat asuhan dimana hanya 5.9 peratus sahaja dikalangan mereka yang tinggal di luar Bandar.
Walaupun begitu, tugas mengasuh dan mendidik anak-anak tetap hingga akhirnya menjadi tugas utama ibubapa. Pengasuh hanya merupakan pihak kedua yang mengambil alih peranan tersebut untuk seketika. Tidak dinafikan ada setengah ibubapa menyerahkan semua tanggungjwab menjaga dan mendidik anak-anak mereka keatas bahu pengasuh semata-mata. Ada anak-anak dihantar ke pusat jagaan dalam keadaan kusut masai, comot dan berbau mengharapkan pengasuh melakukan semua kerja menguruskan anak-anak mereka. Anak-anak dihantar dari awal pagi dan dijemput semula sehingga lewat malam tatkala anak-anaknya sudah terlena. Waktu ibubapa tersebut bersama anak-anak mereka amat terhad dan ini boleh merenggang hubungan kasih ibubapa dan anak-anak seterusnya memberi impak negatif kepada pembangunan sebuah keluarga yang harmoni dikemudian hari.
Anak-anak memerlukan perhatian dan belaian secukupnya untuk membesar dengan sihat dalam segala aspek termasuklah jasmani, rohani dan psikologi. 5 tahun pertama usia anak-anak merupakan waktu-waktu kritikal yang membentuk pertumbuhan dan pembesaran yang optimum. Menurut para pakar pembangunan kanak-kanak, kesan ketiadaan dan kekurangan belaian dan kasih sayang secukupnya akan hanya dapat dilihat apabila kanak-kanak itu mencecah umur dewasa. Kanak-kanak ini membesar dan berkelakuan kasar dan liar, suka memberontak, dan kurang keyakinan diri serta ada juga yang sering sakit-sakit.
Justeru, bagi memelihara generasi kita yang mendatang agar terjamin kualitinya sebagai pewaris bangsa merdeka dan bersahsiah tinggi, disarankan agar ilmu keibubapaan dan pusat asuhan diperkasakan di Negara ini. Kita tidak mahu anak-anak ini disia-siakan hanya kerana tuntutan kerjaya dan kecelaruan ekonomi yang tidak pernah akan berakhir. Kita juga tidak mahu kilauan permata-permata Negara ini malap lalu menghilangkan ketinggian nilainya. Apalah gunanya harta melimpah-ruah jika harta yang paling berharga ini (anak-anak) disia-siakan dan dibiarkan terabai. Jangan pernah dilupa hak anak-anak untuk dikasihi sepenuhnya. Asuhan dan didikan yang sempurna bakal melahirkan anak-anak yang soleh dimana ibubapa akan tetap mendapat manfaat dari doa anak-anak mereka yang soleh walaupun jasad mereka sudah ditelan bumi. Wallahu’alam.

(Nota: Ini adalah cebisan kenangan ketika penulis berkhidmat sebagai cikgu disebuah Taska dan tadika di Johor Bahru.)

Disediakan oleh, 

Puan Faridah Mohd Tap,
KJ Pengajian Umum, Kolej UNITI, Port Dickson.


Belajar sambil mencabar,

Pengetahuan tidak terjuntai seperti pisang,

Bangsamu tidak termaju tanpa pemimpin,

Berpengetahuan (mencabar) dan terpelajar.

(Prof. Ungku Aziz, 1973)

Kolej UNITI, Port Dickson 10 Sept- Pihak Fakulti mengucapkan setinggi tahniah kepada semua para graduan Diploma Pendidikan Pra Sekolah kerana telah berjaya menamatkan pengajian peringkat diploma dengan jayanya.

Walaupun begitu, langkah kalian dalam medan ilmu tidak terhenti setakat selesainya Istiadat Konvokesyen semalam. 

Hakikatnya, medan sebenar kalian adalah bagaimana memanfaatkan segala ilmu dan kemahiran yang diperolehi sepanjang tiga tahun di Kolej UNITI dalam diri, kepada masyarakat, bangsa, negara dan agama di masa mendatang. 

Berpijaklah di dunia nyata bahawasanya tiada kejayaan datang bergolek. Tamatnya pengajian Diploma adalah permulaan kepada episod baru kehidupan kalian untuk berikutnya. 

Justeru, pihak Fakulti mendoakan semua para graduan DPS bagi sesi 2013 meneruskan langkah dengan sukses. Antara yang kalian boleh fikirkan ialah:-

a) sambung belajar peringkat Ijazah Sarjana Muda di IPTA/ IPTS
b) memulakan pencarian karier sebagai guru tadika...
c) boleh juga terlibat dalam bidang keusahawanan kerana fakulti mempunyai kerjasama dengan Bondamama..
d) ..............................????? ................................. (Sila lengkapkan dan hubungi pihak Alumni Fakulti untuk kemaskini 'status' anda yang terkini. ).


“Apa tanda si anak jantan?
Matinya di tengah gelanggang
Tidurnya di puncak gelombang
Makannya di tebing panjang
Langkahnya menghentam bumi
Lenggangnya mengipas semak
Tangisnya terbang ke langit
Esaknya di telan bumi
Yang tak kenal (kan) air mata
Yang tak kenal (kan) tunduk kulai…”


Tuesday 23 July 2013


Banyak pula berita-berita mengenai rogol yang melibatkan pelajar ipt dan remaja perempuan. Ini saya kongsikan tips mengelak dari kejadian rogol. BERHATI-HATI YA!!!

Cara-cara mengelak dari kejadian rogol:

·   Mengawasi ahli keluarga yang kurang siuman atau kebodohan supaya tidak terbiar dan terdedah kepada bahaya rogol.

·   Memberi pendidikan kepada kanak-kanak mengenai kepentingan menjaga tubuh badan mereka daripada dicerobohi.

·    Memberi pendidikan agama dan moral tentang dan kemudaratan perbuatan persetubuhan haram.

·    Mengawasi dan memantau pergaulan anak-anak dan memastikan mereka tidak melebihi batas.

·   Jangan mempercayai janji-janji oleh bomoh atau singseh. Telah terbukti persetubuhan bukan satu cara untuk berubat tetapi satu penipuan.

·    Tidak mudah mempercayai janji untuk berkahwin dengan menyerah kehormatan diri.

·   Tidak mudah menurut pelawaan orang-orang yang tidak atau baru dikenali untuk makan, minum, bersiar-siar atau pergi ke bilik/rumah mereka.

·   Terlebih dahulu minta dan semak kad kuasa orang yang mengaku sebagai penjawat awam seperti polis atau pegawai pencegah maksiat sebelum mengikut arahan mereka.

·   Elakkan dari berjalan bersendirian di tempat-tempat gelap, sunyi atau terpencil. Jika perlu pergi juga, pastikan anda berteman.

·    Membawa alat penggera peribadi amat disyorkan.

·   Sentiasa berwaspada dengan makanan dan minuman yang diberikan oleh orang yang tidak atau baru dikenali. Mungkin ia mengandungi dadah, bahan pelali atau perangsang nafsu.

·   Berwaspada apabila melihat orang yang mencurigakan di sekitar kawasan kemudahan awam seperti tandas, stesen bas, lif dan sebagainya.

·    Ketika hendak gunakan kenderaan awam, pastikan ada penumpang wanita lain bersama. 

Mengatasi Ancaman Rogol:

·   Undang-undang membenarkan hak untuk mempertahankan diri daripada dirogol dengan menggunakan kekerasan ke atas penyerang (perogol) sehingga boleh menyebabkan luka parah atau kematian ke atasnya.

·    Bertenang dan jangan kelam kabut jika diugut atau diserang.

·    Jangan lakukan tindakan yang terburu-buru.

·   Sekiranya anda membuat keputusan untuk melawan, pastikan anda benar-benar menguasai keadaan. Anda boleh gunakan tangan atau kaki atau sebarang benda yang ada pada anda seperti beg tangan, payung, kunci dan sebagainya untuk melawan.

·   Camkan muka dan tanda-tanda yang ada pada penjenayah itu serta pakaiannya dan juga nombor kenderaan yang digunakan.

·   Untuk membantu penyiasatan polis, anda dinasihatkan supaya tidak membasuh badan dan pakaian yang dipakai sewaktu kejadian sebelum membuat laporan polis.


Jabatan Pengajian Umum, FPPM, Kolej UNITI.